Saturday, March 19, 2016

Huawei MA5600T/MA5603T/MA5680T/MA5683T Mapping between boards and software versions

This topic provides the following information: mapping between boards and software versions; whether a board is out of production; substitution relationship between boards.
The mapping between boards and version V800R008C01 and later versions are provided in the following table. For the boards supported by a specific version, see Board Overview in the Product Description of the version.
Life Cycle Status is available until the release date. "EOM" indicates end of marketing. "EOP" indicates end of production. The availability of the boards is subject to the PCNs. For the availability of the boards, contact product mangers at Huawei representative offices.
"All the versions" refer to V800R008C01 and later versions.
A board housing smaller ports cannot be replaced with a board housing more ports.
We can supply Huawei MA5600T,MA5680T,MA5603T,MA5683T,MA5608T Boards.  Charles@sandestech.com
Mapping between boards and software versions
Board NameSoftware Versions Supported by This BoardLife Cycle StatusSubstitution Relationship
Control board (SCU)
H801SCUBAll the versionsN/AReplaceable with the H802SCUB board
H802SCUBAll the versionsN/AN/A
H801SCUFAll the versionsN/AN/A
H801SCUHV800R011C00 and later versionsN/AN/A
H801SCULAll the versionsEOMReplaceable with the H801SCUN/H802SCUN board
H801SCUNAll the versionsN/AReplaceable with the H802SCUN board
V800R011C00 and later versions
V800R011C00 and later versions
H801SCUVV800R013C00 and later versionsN/AN/A
Control board (MCU)
H801MCUDV800R012C00 and later versionsN/AN/A
H801MCUEV800R013C00 and later versionsN/AN/A
H801MCUD1V800R012C00 and later versionsN/AN/A
Upstream interface board
H801GICDAll the versionsN/AN/A
H801GICEAll the versionsN/AN/A
H801GICFAll the versionsN/AReplaceable with the H801X2CS board (supported by V800R011C00 and later)
H801GICGAll the versionsN/AN/A
H801GICKAll the versionsN/AN/A
H801GSCAAll the versionsN/AN/A
H801X1CAAll the versionsEOMReplaceable with the H801X2CS board
H801X2CAAll the versionsEOMReplaceable with the H801X2CS board
H801X2CSAll the versionsN/AN/A
H802P2CAAll the versionsN/AN/A
Universal interface board
H801BIUAAll the versionsN/AN/A
H801CITAAll the versionsEOMReplaceable with the H801CITD board
H801CITDAll the versionsN/AN/A
Power interface board (PRT)
H801PRTAAll the versionsEOPReplaceable with the H801PRTE board
H801PRTEAll the versionsN/AN/A
H801PRTGAll the versionsEOMReplaceable with the H801PRTE board
Power interface board (MPW)
H801MPWCV800R012C00 and later versionsN/AN/A
H801MPWDV800R012C00 and later versionsN/AN/A
H801MPWEV800R015C00 and later versionsN/AN/A
SPU board
H801SPUAAll the versionsN/AN/A
V800R010C00 and later versions
H801SPUCV800R013C10 and later versionsN/AN/A
H801SPUFV800R013C00 and later versionsN/AN/A
Ethernet service access board
H801ETHAAll the versionsEOPReplaceable with the H801ETHB board
H801ETHBAll the versionsN/AN/A
TDM service process board
V800R010C00 and later versions
H801TOPAAll the versionsN/AReplaceable with the H801TOPB board when configured with STM-1 daughter board
H801TOPBV800R010C00 and later versionsN/AN/A
GPON interface board
H801GPBCAll the versionsEOMReplaceable with the H802GPBD/H805GPBD/H806GPBH/H807GPBH board
H802GPBDAll the versionsEOMReplaceable with the H805GPBD/H806GPBH/H807GPBH board
H805GPBDAll the versionsN/AReplaceable with the H802GPBD/H806GPBH/H807GPBH board
H802GPFDV800R008C01N/AReplaceable with the H805GPFD board
V800R009C00 and later versions
H805GPFDAll the versionsN/AN/A
H806GPBHAll the versionsN/AReplaceable with the H807GPBH board
H807GPBHAll the versionsN/AN/A
H801GPMDV800R013C00 and later versionsN/AN/A
10G GPON interface board
H802XGBCV800R011C00 and later versionsN/AN/A
H801XGBDV800R011C00 and later versionsN/AN/A
P2P interface board
H801OPFAAll the versionsN/AN/A
H802OPGDAll the versionsN/AN/A
H802OPGEAll the versionsN/AN/A
ATM interface board
H801AIUGAll the versionsN/AN/A
Combo Board
H80BCAMEV800R008C02 and later versionsN/AReplaceable with the H806CAME board
H806CAMEV800R009C00 and later versionsN/AN/A
H80BCVMEV800R010C00 and later versionsN/AN/A
H806CCPEV800R010C00 and later versionsN/AReplaceable with the H80DCCPE board
H80DCCPEV800R010C00 and later versionsN/AReplaceable with the H806CCPE board
Voice board
H801ASRBAll the versionsEOPReplaceable with the H808ASPB board
H801ASPBAll the versionsEOMReplaceable with the H808ASPB board
H808ASPBAll the versionsN/AN/A
H809ASPBAll the versionsN/AN/A
H802DSRDAll the versionsN/AN/A
H802DSREAll the versionsN/AN/A
H802EDTBAll the versionsN/AN/A
ADSL2+ service access board
H805ADIFAll the versionsEOPReplaceable with the H802ADQD/H80BVDQM board
H808ADIFAll the versionsEOPReplaceable with the H802ADQD/H80BVDQM board
H808ADLEAll the versionsEOPReplaceable with the H80BADPE/H807ADPE board
H805ADLFAll the versionsEOPReplaceable with the H805ADPD board
H808ADLFAll the versionsEOPReplaceable with the H805ADPD/H807ADPD board
H802ADPDAll the versionsN/AReplaceable with the H805ADPD/H807ADPD board
H805ADPDAll the versionsN/AReplaceable with the H802ADPD/H807ADPD board
H807ADPDAll the versionsN/AReplaceable with the H802ADPD/H805ADPD board
H802ADQDAll the versionsN/AReplaceable with the H80BVDQM board
H802ADKMAll the versionsN/AReplaceable with the H808ADPM/H807ADPM board
H80BADPEAll the versionsN/AReplaceable with the H807ADPE board
H807ADPEAll the versionsN/AReplaceable with the H80BADPE board
H808ADPMAll the versionsN/AReplaceable with the H807ADPM board
H807ADPMAll the versionsN/AReplaceable with the H808ADPM/H802ADKM board
VDSL2 service access board
H805VDSAAll the versionsEOPReplaceable with the H805VDMF/H80AVDPD board
H805VDSFAll the versionsEOPReplaceable with the H805VDMF/H80AVDPD board
H805VDTFAll the versionsEOPReplaceable with the H802VDNF/H80BVDQM board
H805VDRDAll the versionsN/AN/A
H805VDMFAll the versionsN/AN/A
H802VDNFAll the versionsN/AReplaceable with the H80BVDQM board
H802VDJMAll the versionsN/AReplaceable with the H80BVDPM board
H80AVDPDV800R008C01N/AReplaceable with the H80DVCPD board
V800R009C00 and later versions
H80BVDPEAll the versionsN/AReplaceable with the H80DVCPE board
H80BVDPMAll the versionsN/AReplaceable with the H80DVCPM board
V800R009C00 and later versions
H80BVCMMV800R011C00 and later versionsN/AN/A
H806VCPEV800R011C00 and later versionsN/AReplaceable with the H80DVCPE board
H80DVCPEV800R010C00 and later versionsN/AReplaceable with the H806VCPE board
H80AVCPDV800R011C00 and later versionsN/AReplaceable with the H80DVCPD board
H80DVCPDV800R010C00 and later versionsN/AReplaceable with the H80AVCPD board
H80AVCPMV800R011C00 and later versionsN/AReplaceable with the H80DVCPM board
H80DVCPMV800R010C00 and later versionsN/AReplaceable with the H80AVCPM board
Vectoring processing board
H806VPEAV800R012C00 and later versionsN/AN/A
H806VPGAV800R015C00 and later versionsN/AN/A
SHDSL service access board
H803SHDAAll the versionsEOPReplaceable with the H802SHLB/H80ASHLM board
H802SHLBAll the versionsEOMReplaceable with the H80ASHLM/H802SHGM board
H80ASHLMAll the versionsN/AN/A
H802SHGMV800R009C00 and later versionsN/AN/A
ADSL SPL board
H801SPLFAll the versionsEOPReplaceable with the H801SPPF1 board
H801SPLHAll the versionsEOPReplaceable with the H801SPPHA board
H801SPLLAll the versionsEOPReplaceable with the H801SPPLA board
H801SPPLAAll the versionsN/AN/A
H801SPPLBAll the versionsN/AN/A
H801SPPLCAll the versionsN/AN/A
H801SPPHAll the versionsN/AN/A
H801SPPF1All the versionsN/AN/A
H801SPPFAll the versionsEOPReplaceable with the H801SPPF1 board
VDSL SPL board
H801VSTHAll the versionsEOPReplaceable with the H801VSPHA board
H801VSTLAll the versionsEOPReplaceable with the H801VSNLA board
H801VSNFAll the versionsN/AN/A
H801VSNLAAll the versionsN/AN/A
H801VSPHAAll the versionsN/AN/A
H801VSPLAAll the versionsN/AN/A
H801VSPLCAll the versionsN/AN/A
SHDSL extension board
H801SHETAll the versionsN/AN/A
H801FCBBAll the versionsN/AReplaceable with the H801FCBI(ETSI) board
H801FCBCAll the versionsN/AReplaceable with the H801FCBH board
H801FCBHAll the versionsN/AN/A
H801FCBI(ETSI)All the versionsN/AN/A
H801FCBI(MA5603T)All the versionsN/AN/A
H801FMCAAll the versionsN/AReplaceable with the H801FCBI(MA5603T) board
H831FCBBV800R012C00 and later versionsN/AN/A
Environment monitoring
H801ESCAAll the versionsN/AN/A
H801SPDAAll the versionsN/AN/A
Mapping between daughter boards and software versions
Board NameBoard positionSoftware Versions Supported by This Board
H801CKMCSCU control boardAll the versions
H801CKMDSCU control boardV800R013C10 and later versions
H801FLBASCU control boardAll the versions
H801M2XASCU control boardAll the versions
H801O2CEH801TOPAAll the versions
H801CSSAH801TOPAAll the versions
H801NH1AH801TOPAAll the versions
H801EH1AH801TOPAAll the versions
H801BITSBH801CITDAll the versions
H806SHUABH802SHLBAll the versions
H806SHUIH80ASHLMAll the versions
H801CKMAH801BIUAAll the versions
H801O2CSH801AIUGAll the versions

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