Monday, March 14, 2016

Huawei OSN MSTP Product Overview

Huawei OSN Product Overview
The OptiX OSN 500 is a new-generation optical transmission equipment used at the access layer for leased line and mobile BTS access.

The OptiX OSN 550 is next-generation optical transmission equipment used at the access layer of the transmission network, supporting Multi-Protocol Label Switching (MPLS) technology and a variety of service network topologies in the Time Division Multiplexing (TDM) and packet domains.

Featuring a “universal switching” architecture to efficiently transmit voice, data, SAN/video, and video services on a single platform, Huawei’s OptiX OSN 1500 intelligent optical transmission system can be used in packet or Time Division Multiplexing (TDM) mode to ensure optimal service processing. Primarily used at the access layer of the Metropolitan Area Network (MAN), the OptiX OSN 1500 can be networked with other Huawei equipment to support such applications as pure packet mode, hybrid networking (overlay packet mode and TDM mode networking), and pure TDM mode, optimizing network investments.

Developed by Huawei for highly efficient voice and data services transmission on a single platform, the OptiX OSN 2500 offers an intelligent, next-generation optical transmission solution. Used at the access and convergence layers of the Metropolitan Area Network (MAN), the OptiX OSN 2500 can also be networked with the other Huawei equipment to optimize customer investment.

To meet the growing demands of Metropolitan Area Networks (MANs), Huawei has developed the OptiX OSN 3500—next-generation intelligent optical transmission system. Primarily used at the metropolitan convergence and backbone layer, the OptiX OSN 3500 incorporates an intelligent optical transmission platform and core optical transmission system to schedule and transmit services of different types and granularities. Leveraging “universal switch” architecture, the OptiX OSN 3500 can be used in packet or Time Division Multiplexing (TDM) mode. Combined with other Huawei equipment, the OptiX OSN 3500 supports various networking applications, such as pure packet mode, hybrid networking (packet and TDM mode overlay networking), and pure TDM mode. A proper networking solution can optimize both data and conventional Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (SDH) service processing.

In addition to service convergence, transmission, and cross-connection, the OptiX OSN 6800/3800 supports Layer 3 dynamic traffic diversion (optical cross-connection, ODU cross-connection, and the integrated LAN switch) and integrates the ASON/GMPLS control plane. The product features manageability like SDH/SONET and the large capacity and long distance transmission of WDM systems. With advanced technologies, such as ROADMs, wavelength tunable optical modules, ASON/GMPLS, 40G, the LAN Switch, and ODB/eDQPSK, the OptiX OSN 6800/3800 is flexible in architecture and suitable for broadband transport.

The OptiX OSN 8800 is mainly deployed in national backbone networks, regional/provincial backbones, and some metropolitan core sites. In addition to large capacities and long-haul WDM features, the OptiX OSN 8800 integrates:
• T-bit electrical cross-connection
• Full-granularity grooming ranging from 100Mbit/s to 100Gbit/s
• Optical-electrical ASON synergy
• 40G/100G transmission capability
• Various management and protection functions
Empowered by these features, the OptiX OSN 8800 provides carriers with end-to-end OTN/WDM backbone transport solutions to accommodate large-capacity grooming and ultra-wideband transmission.
Together, the OptiX OSN 8800 T64/T32/T16 and OptiX OSN 1800 can form a complete end-to-end OTN network. The OptiX OSN 8800 can also be used with the hybrid MSTP, PTN, or data communication equipment to achieve a complete transport solution.
If you need more information about Huawei OSN transmission product, please contact us.

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