What is the features of the OSN8800?
The OptiX OSN 8800 is recognized as the platform with the highest integration level in the industry. One OptiX OSN 8800 subrack supports access of 320/640 x 10G services and two OptiX OSN 8800 subracks can be housed in one standard ETSI cabinet. The OptiX OSN 8800 can accommodate mass IP services and provide centralized grooming and unified management. Because one OptiX OSN 8800 subrack is equivalent to multiple subracks of other WDM equipment, the OptiX OSN 8800 saves 80% of the equipment footprint and reduces power consumption per bandwidth by 55%. OptiX OSN 8800 devices can be directly connected instead of through ODFs and therefore is highly reliable.
The OptiX OSN 8800 enables congestion-free 3.2T/6.4T-bit electrical cross-connections, supports complex network topologies, and provides centralized grooming of numerous services. It provides optical and electrical cross-connections and supports optical cross-connections in 2/4/9 dimensions using ROADMs. In this manner, OptiX OSN 8800 achieves flexible wavelength-level and subwavelength-level grooming and quick service deployment and reduces CAPEX. The OptiX OSN 8800 creates the first simply-structured Colorless & Directionless ROADM in the industry and simplifies node configurations for the optical-layer ASON.
The mature commercial 80 x 40G/100G system achieves transmission of broad bandwidths. The system provides both OCh-layer ASON and ODUk-layer ASON, a new optical-electrical ASON synergy mode pioneered in the industry by Huawei, featuring high reliability. With the leading photonics integrated device (PID) technology, the OptiX OSN 8800 provides 200G (20 x 10G) capacities of a single chip and allows expansion in batches, to achieve instant service deployment.
The OptiX OSN 8800 has the multi-service OTN (MS-OTN) feature:
Cross-connections of OTN/SDH/packet services on centralized cross-connect boards
Flexible transmission of OTN, SDH, and packet services to improve board utilization efficiency
The physical 2M clock, IEEE 1588v2, and Sync-Ethernet transport are supported to fully satisfy the requirement of TD-SCDMA, CDMA2000, and LTE networks for highly precise clocks.
The OptiX OSN 8800 supports OSNR/CD/PMD/optical power monitoring of any channel on 10G/40G/100G networks and real-time online monitoring of optical parameters, to improve network operation and maintenance (O&M) efficiency.
Thanks to the application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC) and PID technology, the power consumption of a single port is greatly reduced. Because of T-bit cross-connections, OptiX OSN 8800 devices can be directly connected instead of through ODFs, which saves equipment room footprint and reduces power consumption.
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